• Mama Believe Me Now (ELO vs Scissor Sisters)

    Mama Believe Me Now (ELO vs Scissor Sisters)

    Now many people have said that Scissor Sisters are ripping off Elton John…wrong they are actually ripping off the much less trendy sound of ELO…listen to Laura then Mr. Blue Sky and see what you think. So inspired by that revelation (and wanting reclaim ELO as being not as bad as people think) I mixed…

  • Whitney Goes To Hollywood (Whitney Houston vs Frankie Goes To Hollywood)

    Whitney Goes To Hollywood (Whitney Houston vs Frankie Goes To Hollywood)

    OK one of the best moments of my life was seeing Holly Johnson do ‘Power of Love’ at my first Pride in ’97 with fireworks kicking off behind us at the same time, a very moving moment, especially as we were all glad that Holly was there at all (he’s still doing well since, I’m…

  • Caroline’s Long Gone (Super Furry Animals vs Beach Boys)

    Caroline’s Long Gone (Super Furry Animals vs Beach Boys)

    One of my best bootups/mashlets ever was this one using one of my favourite Super Furry Animals tracks ‘Long Gone’ with ‘Caroline, No’ from the Beach Boys…seems to some up Brian Wilson’s state of mind, so I did a skit on the SFA’s album cover using Brian instead of Howard Marks… I think it works…

  • Welcome to tbc’s blog

    Welcome to tbc’s blog

    Here I (Tim aka Instamatic) put the more quiet reflective chilled boots I’ve done under the google and soulseek-busting name of ‘tbc’

  • Peaches n’  Orbs (Roy Orbison vs Peaches)

    Peaches n’ Orbs (Roy Orbison vs Peaches)

    OK so I might not be an Outkast obsessive but I am a Peaches fanatic and have used her in at least 4 mashups before now – but none as weird as this. It came to me where I was working at the time there was a 60’s golden oldie station and Roy Orbison’s ‘You…

  • Push it Slut (Avenue D vs Salt n’ Pepa)

    Push it Slut (Avenue D vs Salt n’ Pepa)

    An old one now, played at Bastard in Feburary 2004 I seem to remember, this is Avenue D ‘Do I Look Like a Slut’ vs Salt n’ Pepa ‘Push it’. I’m still rather fond of it despite planning to revisit it sometime to make it tighter as it’s a bit creaky now…not sure I ever…

  • Stone Cold Roses (Stone Roses vs Outkast)

    Stone Cold Roses (Stone Roses vs Outkast)

    Another Bootie track, this has been cleaned and tidied up a little since, and made shorter…it seemed to divide opinion at the time; it seemed a rather obvious mashup using Outkast’s Roses (sheesh I must sound like I’m an Outkast obsessive, I like em but I’ve done 3 bootlegs using them so far!) and Stone…

  • Ghetto Sister Peach (Outkast vs Benny Benassi vs Scissor Sisters vs Peaches)

    Ghetto Sister Peach (Outkast vs Benny Benassi vs Scissor Sisters vs Peaches)

    Quite proud of this one, it mashes up my favourites Scissor Sisters, Outkast ‘Ghetto Musick’ (Benny Benassi mix) and Peaches up into one funky club mix, I don’t do club/house tmixes, and this was my attempt at being a ‘superstar DJ’…I’d finished the mix almost I have to say I’m indebted to solcofn for the…

  • NEW: My Telephone Doesn’t Work (Grandmaster Scott and Dynamic 3 vs Missy Elliott vs Kraftwerk vs Coldcut featuring Lisa Stansfield)

    NEW: My Telephone Doesn’t Work (Grandmaster Scott and Dynamic 3 vs Missy Elliott vs Kraftwerk vs Coldcut featuring Lisa Stansfield)

    And to show I’m not dead, it’s my *fairly-new electro-tastic and Missy-reviving tune…basically the story goes a little something like this: In 1983 or 4 a little known electro-hip-hop act called Grandmaster Scott and Dynamic 3 (they did the oft-copied ‘The Roof is On Fire’) recorded a track called ‘Request Line’ – now you probably…

  • London Booted – Spanish Bombs (Over Baghdad) (The Clash vs Outkast)

    London Booted – Spanish Bombs (Over Baghdad) (The Clash vs Outkast)

    In honour of the 25th anniversary of Clash’s London Booted Richie over at CultureDeluxe decided to get everyone to mash up the whole album, Grey Album stylee back in Jan/Feb 04…I got ‘Spanish Bombs’, which was a very Strummer polemic about Lorca, the Spanish Civil War and ETA…I prevaricated (even wrote long words like that)…